How to prepare the mate ?

Complete Guide for Beginners

Mate is an ancient drink from South America, highly regarded for its many benefits. Prepared from dried yerba mate leaves, this infusion is known for its energizing properties, antioxidants, and ability to improve concentration. Whether you are a novice or a regular drinker, this article will guide you through the essential steps to prepare a perfect cup of mate.

What is Mate?

Mate is an infusion obtained from the dried leaves of a plant called Ilex paraguariensis. Originating in regions of South America, including Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay, mate is more than just a drink, it is a social ritual. Traditionally consumed in groups, each person shares the same calabash and bombilla.

There are several types of mate. The most common is the green mate, unroasted and with vegetal aromas. Other types include roasted mate, which offers more robust notes, and terere, a cold version of mate, very popular in summer.

Why Drink Mate? Health Benefits

Yerba mate is often praised for its many health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. One of its main benefits is its ability to provide a natural energy boost, similar to that of coffee, but with fewer side effects such as palpitations or anxiety.

Here are some of the main benefits of mate:

  • Mental stimulation: improves focus and mental clarity.
  • Strengthening the immune system: thanks to its high antioxidant content.
  • Helps digestion: it naturally stimulates the digestive system.
  • Weight Loss Support: thanks to its thermogenic properties which accelerate metabolism.

In addition to these benefits, mate offers a balance between stimulation and relaxation, making it a great alternative to coffee for those looking for an energy boost while avoiding jitters.

Essential Accessories for Preparing Mate

To prepare mate in the South American tradition, you will need some specific accessories:

  • The calabash : a small container, traditionally made from a gourd, wood, or sometimes metal or ceramic.
  • The bombilla : a metal straw with a filter at its end, essential for sipping the infusion without sucking up the leaves.
  • Water: It should be heated to around 70-80°C to avoid burning the mate leaves, which could alter their taste.

These accessories are essential for preparing mate in an authentic way and respecting tradition.

Step 1 - Fill the Calabash with Mate Leaves

The first step in preparing mate is to fill the calabash with the right amount of yerba mate. Traditionally, about 2/3 of the gourd is filled with leaves. This may seem like a lot, but it is essential to use a sufficient amount to obtain a tasty and balanced infusion.

Trick : Leave some free space in the gourd to make it easier to add water and to prevent the bombilla from being too submerged.

Step 2 - Tilt the Calabash

Before adding the bombilla or water, an important step is to tilt the gourd slightly so that the yerba mate leaves cluster on one side. This little trick creates an empty pocket that will make it easier to add the water without immediately saturating the leaves.

By tilting the gourd, the leaves on the lowest side will be in contact with the water, while the others remain dry, ready to be gradually infused. This allows for a longer drinking time, as the leaves do not release all their flavors at once.

Step 3 - Place the Bombilla Correctly

After tilting the gourd and grouping the leaves to one side, it is time to insert there bombillaThe bombilla is a metal straw with a filter at the end, which allows you to drink mate without swallowing the leaves.

Advice : Insert the bombilla into the empty pocket formed by the inclined leaves, trying not to stir the contents of the gourd too much. Once placed, it is important not to move the bombilla, as this could cause the filter to become blocked and affect the quality of the infusion.

Step 4 - Add Water at the Correct Temperature

The secret to preparing mate properly lies in water temperature. The water should never be boiling, as this would burn the leaves and cause them to lose their aromas. The ideal temperature is between 70°C and 80°C.

Start by adding a small amount of cold or warm water to the gourd, just enough to wet the lower leaves. This will help start the infusion without too much thermal shock. Then, slowly pour the hot water over the sloping side of the gourd. This step should be done gradually so that the leaves soak properly.

Trick : You can reuse the same leaves several times, simply adding more water when necessary, until the taste becomes too weak.

Variations and Alternative Ways to Prepare Mate

Mate can be prepared in several ways depending on your tastes and weather conditions. Here are some popular variations:

  • The tereré: a cold version of mate, particularly popular in Paraguay and Argentina during hot weather. Instead of hot water, cold water is used, often flavored with citrus fruits or herbs such as mint.
  • Sweet Mate: For those who find the taste of mate too bitter, it is possible to add a touch of sugar, honey or even lemon zest to sweeten the infusion.
  • Mate with milk: Another alternative is to replace the water with hot milk for a creamier taste, close to coffee with milk.

Mistakes to Avoid When Preparing Mate

Although preparing mate is relatively simple, there are some common mistakes that can alter the quality of the infusion. Here are the main ones to avoid:

  • Using water that is too hot: This will burn the leaves and give an unpleasant bitter taste.
  • Putting too much or too little yerba mate: Too many leaves can make the beverage too strong and difficult to drink, while too little will result in a bland brew.
  • Stir the bombilla: Once placed, the bombilla must remain still. Moving it could cause the filter to block or stir the leaves, which would deteriorate the infusion.

Tips for Enjoying a Better Tasting Experience

Tasting mate can be a real pleasure, especially if you follow a few tips to improve your experience:

  • Intensity dosage: You can adjust the intensity of the mate by changing the amount of yerba mate or the temperature of the water. For a milder taste, use fewer leaves or add a little warm water before pouring the hot water.
  • Tasting in a group: Mate is traditionally shared in a circle with a group of friends or family. A single gourd is used and each person takes turns drinking. This tradition strengthens social bonds and allows for a friendly moment to be shared.
  • Using aromatic herbs: You can enrich the taste of your mate by adding aromatic herbs such as mint, verbena or orange peel for a fresher and more complex flavor.

Choosing Organic Mate: A Gesture for Health and the Environment

Consuming organic mate has many benefits, both for health and the environment. Unlike conventional mate, organic mate is grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, which guarantees a healthier and more respectful drink for the ecosystem.

Health Benefits: Organic mate is free of pesticide residues and other chemicals that can be present in conventional mate. By choosing organic mate, you are ensuring a pure, nutrient-rich, and contaminant-free beverage.

Environmental benefits: Organic farming respects soils and biodiversity by avoiding the use of harmful chemicals. This helps preserve the health of cultivated land and supports sustainable agricultural practices.

Veegreen Organic Green Mate: A Superior Quality Mate

THE Veegreen organic green mate is an essential reference for lovers of this drink. Coming from plantations respecting strict organic farming standards, Veegreen mate stands out for its exceptional quality and ethical commitment.

Here’s what makes Veegreen Organic Green Mate unique:

  • Superior quality: Veegreen selects the best yerba mate leaves, grown without chemicals to ensure an infusion rich in flavor and health benefits.
  • Sustainable commitment: The brand favors environmentally friendly agriculture, minimizing its ecological footprint and supporting local communities that produce mate.
  • Authentic flavor: Veegreen organic green mate offers a mild, vegetal taste, ideal for those looking for a natural, revitalizing drink without excessive bitterness.

Mate is much more than just a drink: it is a rich tradition and a shared ritual that has been exported far beyond its South American origins. Thanks to this guide, you now have all the keys to prepare an authentic mate, whether for an individual tasting or a friendly moment with your loved ones.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced amateur, do not hesitate to experiment with different variations and adapt the preparation according to your preferences.For an even more authentic and eco-friendly experience, we recommend trying the Veegreen organic green mate, an ethical and tasty option to enjoy this infusion in all its splendor.

Prepare your gourd, pour in the hot water, and enjoy the moment!

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